Femi Fani-Kayode Replies Senator Ahmed Yerima On His Response to Underage Marriage.
‘Nigeria has many uncountable problems and none of them is early marriage. As a matter of fact early marriage the solution to about half of our problems. For those who wonder if I can give my daughter(s) out in marriage at the age of 9 or 13, I tell you most honestly, I can give her out at the age of 6 if I want to and its not your business. This is because I am a Muslim and I follow the example of the best of mankind, Muhammad ﺻَﻠَّﻰ ﺍﻟﻠَّﻪُ ﻋَﻠَﻴْﻪِ ﻭَﺳَﻠَّﻢَ .
In Islam, marriage is not only about sex, it is about family and helping one another in achieving their goals, which is the attainment of Paradise.
In Islam, a girl can be given out in marriage as early as 6 years old, but consummation of the marriage can only be done when the girl becomes physically mature and she gives her consent to it because unlike English law, it is not permissible for a man to rape his wife in Shari’ah Law.
So what can anybody tell me?
~ I live in a city where young girls at the age of 12 have already became serial fornicators and cannot count the number of man they’ve had sex with.
~ I live in a City where primary school children disvirgin themselves behind toilets on Valentine day.
~ I live in a city where young girls flood the street at night looking for men that would give them N500 to have sex with them.
~ I live in a city where parents send their daughters out overseas to prostitute and send dollars down.
~ I live in a City where Government officials pick undergraduates from University car parks with Coastal Buses to wild sex parties.
~ I live in a city where abortion is so common that even a Chemist shore owner can perform abortion with just N2,500.
These are your daughters, and this should worry you and not Yerima’s private matters. So ask me again why I support early marriage and I will slap the Jinn out of your head”.
- Senator Ahmad Sani Yarima
Femi Fani-Kayode is a Nigerian politician, essayist, poet and lawyer, response to Senator Ahmed Yerima and his supporters; Read below …
”If I had any doubts that the self-confessed paedophile Senator Ahmed Sani was of the devil before today I have long since shed those doubts. Ahmed is not only evil but he is also a very sick man. In any civilised society he would be either be behind bars or he would be in a mental hospital.
We as a people need to protect the girl-child from self-righteous sexual predators like him. He not only thrives on under-age sex and child rape but he boasts about it and seeks to justify it with his islamic faith. He forgets that in 95 per cent of muslim countries in the world today child-marriage, child-sex, child-porn and paedophilia are specifically banned and outlawed by law. Are those people and nations not muslims too? Is he a better muslim than them? Are the muslims of southern Nigeria in yorubaland who have collectively refused to indulge in vile practices like paedophilia, child- marriage, child-rape and child-sex and who consider such things to be an abomoniation not muslims too? As far as I am concerned they are the true muslims and they are far better and more civilised than Ahmed Sani’s brand.
It is time to stand up to this monster called Yerima and those that think like him once and for all no matter what the consequences are. First he introduced political sharia into Nigerian politics in 2001 which, a few years later, resulted in the meteroric rise of islamic fundamentalism in the north and Boko Haram. Now he seeks to introduce and legitimise child sex and paedophilia in our country by propogating and peddling a false interpretation of islam and bringing that beautiful faith into disrepute and opprobium. Nothing sickens me more than this man and those that think like him and be rest assured that I and many others will call him out on this one.
We must all stand up and say ”NO MORE” to this rubbish and sheer wickedness and that ”ENOUGH IS ENOUGH”. We must all join our hands together and seek to protect the Nigerian girl-child whether that girl-child be a christian, a muslim, a pagan, a northerner or a southerner. As long as she is a human being and she is a Nigerian we must and we will speak for her, fight for her and uphold her right to be treated as a human being and not to be subjected to rape and sex abuse. This is a divine obligation because the Holy Bible says that we must ”resist evil” and ”defend the weak and vulnerable” that are amongst us. And in this case we will. Our children will not be abused and destroyed by these monsters who are lusting after them”- CHIEF FEMI FANI-KAYODE