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Women March Half-Naked For Equal Rights


Yesterday, August 24, 2014 was the seventh annual International “Go Topless Day” and women marched to campaign for equal rights.

One of such parades held in Manhattan, New York where going topless is actually legal.

The mission of the movement is to ensure that women are allowed to go topless in public just like men.

The women in NY marched without tops and with banners and placards and some men supported them.

The major goal of the campaign is to de-sexualize and demystify women's chests.

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New health tip for men


If you’re a wife and you caught your husband looking at other female’s pair of boobs, what would be your initial reaction? hold on before you do anything i need you to know it medicinal.
10 minutes of staring at breast daily prolongs man’s life by 5 years?
Just 10 minutes of looking at the charms of a well-endowed female is equivalent to a 30-minute aerobics work-out, a gerontologist. The team led by Weather by was made up of researchers at three hospitals in Frankfurt, Germany, and found these results after monitoring for 5 years the health of 200 male subjects, half of whom were asked to look at busty females daily, while the other half had to abstain from doing so. For five years, the breasts oglers presented a lower blood pressure, slower resting pulse rates and decreased risk of coronary artery disease.

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Check if your boy friend is on this photo.


                           Nigerian gays at it again, some sexy boy girls shows off their bikini body

Ok base on the sexiness, some of our own proud gays is trying to show us how good they are in bikini, what do you guys think of this people..

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Most times when men/women cheat and are asked they often give flimsy excuses. And women say things like “it’s not the fact that he cheated that bothers me but the fact that I think he might not love me anymore”. Love and S*x are Connected in more than one days.
So why do men cheat?
I can tell you why men don't cheat. It's usually not because of s*x: Only 8 percent of men who cheat said it was because of sexual dissatisfaction. Rather, 48 percent of men who have cheated said it was because of emotional dissatisfaction. Men's egos are not as strong as they think, and therefore, they are highly susceptible to someone serving them up admiration outside the marriage, especially when the man is not properly connected with his wife. It often starts as emotional infidelity, where he will use a relationship outside the marriage to satisfy an emotional void.
So why do women cheat?
I wanted to prove that I was desirable. I wanted to show my boyfriend that he was lucky to have me, that I could hurt him, that I was someone’s first choice, that I, too, was a catch and not just a burden.
My Question For The Day Is If S*x Doesn't Prove Love Then Why Is Cheating A Problem?

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Who is your Ideal Man


Most women fantasize about dream guy/boyfriend/husband. This search sometimes getting confusing so we decided to help bringing together a tight list of every woman's dream man.

Is this your type?
You need stability in your life and you’re tired of taking care of yourself. Sean Connery is still your favorite actor (you just love that brogue!) and you think Demi Moore is certifiable for shacking up with a man half her age. You yearn for safe sophistication rather than the odd thrill. You have an absent or emotionally unavailable father.

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10 Surprising Things All Wives Should Know About Their Husbands


Whether you recently said "I do" or just celebrated a double-digit anniversary, you can probably spout off a lot of info about your husband-his middle name, where he was born, his favorite food. But knowing these 10 other things can bring you closer than ever. Find out why, and try these relationship strategies to ensure your husband is anything but a mystery. Photo by Getty Images

1. When He Needs Space
Sharing office news, the kids' schedules and the latest neighborhood drama as soon as your husband walks in the door each night can backfire. "Most women want to immediately connect at the end of the day. For a lot of guys, they need their space more than ever then," says Les Parrott III, PhD, a psychology professor and co-author (with wife and marriage therapist Leslie Parrott, EdD) of The Good Fight: How Conflict Can Bring You Closer. Give your hubby a few minutes to unwind when he comes home. You're more likely to get his undivided attention if you wait.

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Bisexual and Atheist, Nigerian Woman Call Christians Stupid


In a recent interview with some newsmen, Yemisi Ilesanmi, an openly bisexually woman expressed her sentiment over some negative response she received from Christians all over the world due to her sexuality.
She took to her blog on Saturday to express her disappointment.
Yemisi Ilesanmi even went to the extent of bashing Abuja based Pastor Fatoyinbo over an alleged affair he had with Eze Walter.
Read what she wrote;

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Marital Rape a Reality


Studies revealed disturbing figures showing that at least 14% of married women said their current husband or partner had forced them to have sex in the past year, while another 37% had been subjected to sexual violence at some point in their relationship.

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3 Reason your Boyfriend/Husband Never Listens to You


Good Communication is the cornerstone to a strong relationship, many couples struggle with it and at some point you will hear things like “You never listen to me!” does that sounds familiar? Of course it does. But maybe it’s not his hearing or his understanding to blame. Maybe it’s your approach or your method of delivery that needs a bit of adjusting.

1. Consider the Fact that you Might be too Aggressive
Talking to him in a condescending and belittling way is not only insulting and disrespectful, but it won’t help you get whatever you want, in fact, you could be compromising your relationship, because his reaction is likely to be similar. Or, even worse, defensive.
Try this approach: When addressing an issue, remain calm and avoid preacher-type tactics this might help listen to you better.

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My Husband And I Are Related


My husband and I are in a dilemma, honestly a way out is not visible or should I say we are yet to get one. This is because the issue at hand is too evident to be ignored and my husband and I are so confused.

I am fortunate to be raised by both parents and we had a happy family and a good background. My parents were into business and we were really comfortable. Their marriage to us their children was a good and perfect one and my younger sister and I used to pray and wish we would eventually marry a man like my father. He was our stereotype of a good husband and the way he treated mum, none of us would ever believe that dad had extra marital affairs.

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See Why Ladies Are Not Easy To Satisfy


Guys complain that it's not easy to satisfy ladies. But why is that the case? See the answer below...
Here Are The 7 Complicated Facts About Ladies:
1. They want a guy who has many and saves money.
2. They don't save, but go out and buy expensive clothes.
3. They buy expensive clothes, but don't have anything to wear.
4. They say they don't have what to wear, but always dress sexy.
5. They dressed beautifully, but are never satisfied with their looks.
6. They're never satisfied, but still expect their man to compliment them.
7. When they meet a man who compliments them, they don't believe him.
So, guys now you know why lady's are not 'very' easy to satisfy. Just keep trying.

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Warning Signs that your Man could be Married


Even the dullest of men can conceal the fact that they are married when they want to deceive a woman. Maybe they think they are smart but there are still some clear cut signs that will give you a heads up.
Here are tips for recognizing the signs that a man you're dating may be married.
1.You met in a bar.If you are meeting for the first time in a bar, that doesn't bode well. So many married men hang out in bars hoping to get lucky.
2.He has an indentation or tan line on his ring finger.
When you first meet him, look for an obvious sign of a wedding ring that was just removed.

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12 Signs a Man is Flirting With You


Flirting is fun and exciting. But, how do you get to know if a man is flirting with you or not. Well, look out for these 12 signs:
1. He lingers while maintaining eye contact

He maintains eye contact a little longer than usual. You can almost feel that he’s up to something.
2. He ‘listens’ to you

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How to Get a Girl to Be Your Girlfriend


The good news is that you've found a girl you really like and you want her to be your girlfriend. The bad news is, every time you think about asking her to make it official, you start to feel nervous...or even nauseous.

You keep asking yourself, "What if she rejects me? What if my question doesn't come out the right way?" If you follow these easy steps, your question will most likely be met with a resounding, "Yes, please!"

1. Examine your reasons for asking the girl to make it official.

If you've found a girl who makes you feel special and your heart is beating at a million miles per minute, then chances are, she would make a great girlfriend.

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9 Great Reasons To Date Younger Men

Very often, we find ourselves falling in love with someone who is younger than us. As relationship experts and psychologists have explained, when we feel the bond of love and attraction strongly with someone, age doesn’t really matter. There is of course the fear that society will look down on us for dating someone younger. However, times have changed, and people are now becoming more broad-minded about such issues. If you too are considering dating someone younger than you, then here are some reasons why you should not feel afraid to do so.

1. You get special pampering

Younger men are more likely to go all-out in their approach to impress you and keep you happy. They will pamper you and do things spontaneously, unlike older men who put maturity before adventure and fun. This kind of an approach gives a new, fresh twist to the relationship, and helps you to bond stronger and better.

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5 Dangers of Dating a Married Man


Most women date married men in our ATM love society.  But lets not typecast; or debate over what to call them. There are far more serious issues involved in a toxic triangle of man, wife and the lady love. There are heart-breaking consequences. Be aware of at least five dangers of dating a married man.

1. You’ll never be able to have a healthy relationship

No matter how much you are in love, he’ll never be able to give that emotional and practical sense of well being that comes with a healthy relationship. There’ll always be issues. He had a fight with his wife, his wife is demanding too much money, and many many more. And sooner than you realize you will end up being the bean bag where he collapses to forget his issues – a recreation, an escape from his unhappy marriage. This may give you a sense of power/affection initially, but soon you’ll tire having to act like a constant caregiver of sorts. Also, what about your own emotional needs? Can you turn to a man for support who cannot resolve his own problems?

2. He will never leave his wife

It’s been six months in the relationship and he still hasn’t left his wife. Months roll back into years and he still doesn’t seem to get rid of the “horrible woman” he is so tired of. Think. Think with your mind. He will give you compelling excuses and your heart will melt. But you’ll forever be the “other woman” in the relationship. No matter how much he likes to be in your company he’ll always choose his wife and family over you.

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Questions You Must Never Ask Your Woman

The major complaint men have is that they don’t get to understand women,i know sometimes pleasing woman can be very difficult but they are still some ways you can avoid their anger,  Women get angry for no reason, say “Yes” when they mean “No” and vice versa. You might never fully understand the way your woman’s mind works but here are a few questions you must NEVER ask her for any reason or whatsoever .

1, Are you wearing that/don't tell me you are wearing that?

Whenever you’re going out with your girl she puts her best into her appearance to look good for you. She’ll take this question to mean that you think she looks terrible and you’d rather not be seen with her with the way she’s dressed,she meant not understand what you mean,don't forget i said sometimes woman can be very hard to please.

2, Don’t you think you should lose weight/you are getting very FAT?
Most girls, whether skinny or fat, are somewhat self conscious about their bodies. That’s why this question is a bombshell. Your girl will assume that you’re calling her fat and she will take out all her frustration about her imperfections on you,yes that has happen to me ,i remember telling her to loose weight,that relationship almost crumbled .

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Types Of Men Every Woman Should Date

 Attributes are qualities that define the characteristics and the behavior of people. Ladies in love often look for the wrong attributes in men hence they are quick to say they want a tall, dark/fair, strong or rich guy for marriage. Do these things count or there are other salient attributes ladies should look out for shopping for a man, yes ladies should shop for men.

1. The Unmarried Man 

This may seem obvious, but it is very necessary to mention. There are too many women attempting have relationships with married men. Married men are not a candidate for single women to date… period! This includes married men who are separated (legally or otherwise). They are still married and not available to date. Married people have their own families and concerns to deal with. That being said, the unmarried man, who is devoted to the things of God, is the type of man you should be interested in dating. (1 Corinthians 7:32-35). 

2. The Kingdom Seeker 

A man who is seeking God’s Will for His life will, not only seek out a woman to date, but will seek out his wife. The Bible says, “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” (Matthew 6:33). Ladies, you should be an asset; the thing that is *added* to him as he is FIRST seeking the kingdom of God. This is why I say, run as fast as you can for Jesus and the one who can keep up might be the one.

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Charly Boy's Message to all single ladies


 Charly boy shares some father-daughter gist with the single ladies out there. Read and note, you might just need this to lift the pressure of not finding a man early off your shoulder.
All the single ladies reading this, chin-up and give your good self a thumb up. Nothing doest thou. Last week I had a father/daughter discussion with my Princess. I could feel the frustration in her tone as we spoke about different issues. When I asked about her boyfriend she gave me a very long and irritated “Naija babe” hiss, she aired out her frustrations with this whole dating business. "Daddy we are no longer dating." “I’m so very sorry my love, but what happened I queried,” very anxious to hear the gist, cause me and my Princess are just that close. This is my daughter’s 3rd boyfriend since she started dating, and she has only been with him for barely 6months… "Daddy, please I’m tired, he is not ambitious, he has no drive, and he is too laid back for his own good, how can I marry a man like that? To make matters worse, he thinks I am overly ambitious, he says I do way too much – please tell me how that’s a bad thing.” Hummmmm, my daughter, my princess my pride and joy is unhappy. 

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